Thursday, May 10, 2012

Out and about

The title to this post explains my lack of posts lately. I have been caught up in a big thing called LIFE. I also am addicted to our little chubby Mason man that it leaves me no time or inspiration for this blog. I do have some projects that need done and will do them.... Eventually. Mason naps twice a day leaving me lots of time to do stuff but by the time we get to nap times, I want to relax. I will blog about the projects we have left in the house (which are few to none) but dont count on posts everyday. Thanks for visiting hoping to see a renovation post. I will update you soon.

An update on Brandon. He is 98% healed, doctor is amazed by his healing and he returns to work on monday. Doctor also said he can return to his sports activities, which he is thrilled about.

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