Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So we have decided.

We have decided that this blog will be here to update our family and friends on our life. I know that I do that somewhat on facebook (who doesnt?) but I can write more here!

I will write about our renovations (even past ones) and how we got through them alive! We will post about exciting news and randoms things we thought we HAD to share. I keep saying we because Brandon is an amazing writer and I would love to see what he would write.

I am hoping that this blog may help us finish the rest of our house so we can start house hunting for our Home. We originally thought we would be in and out of this house in 1yr, we are at 2yrs and counting. So we will see if this gets us motivated to get to all the little finishing touches left in this house. I am going to share our upper bathroom reno first since it has the most progress. Stay tuned for that shortly...

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