Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Melaleuca Info Night

Come one come all.
I am having Tessa over to our house for an information night on SEPTEMBER 21 @ 8PM.

Even the people that have signed up can come, there is always information that would be useful.

We will learn about products, what they are and what they do. Tessa will also let us know more about the company and how it works. Also if any of you want to be part of the business, we can talk more.

I can't stress enough how happy we are with the products. They don't cost a fortune, the shipments come straight to your door, the products are GGGGRRRREAT (like Tony the tiger!) for you and the Earth. It feels good that our home is converting to Melaleuca. I feel healthier already and have only been with the company since July.

Please let me know if you can make it that night, I would like to have enough treats for everyone.
We would love to see you and tell you about these great products.

Remember we do not take orders, its not a sales night. We are just spreading the word on Melaleuca and would love to sign you up.
If you have questions but cannot make it out that night then ask me and I will get you an answer!

Tell your friends, Bring your friends and family. It will be a fun night!!
Phone or Email me.

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