Monday, July 9, 2012

One Mans Garbage,

Is another man's treasure.
That saying came true this morning.
Driving around this morning with a grumpy baby, getting him to sleep. I drove past many piles of garbage.
There were two piles that caught my eye.
1. Turtle Sandbox
2. Toddler Play set

SCORE! if my friendly neighbors are reading this and notice something they put out for the garbage this morning. We would like to say thank you!

Mason and I went to Home Depot when he wasn't oh-so-grumpy and picked up some play sand for the sandbox. I might be more excited then Mason.

Speaking of garbage. Goodwill and Value village technically has peoples old stuff/garbage.
We go there occasionally and find great stuff.
See below...
Size 6 & 7 shoes. He is only a 3 now but I might not find these when he is in size 6 or 7. Very good condition rain boots and soccer shoes.Who knows if he will play soccer but they were $6. The rain boots were $3

These 2 frames were $1. They will be seen at Masons party. But after his party is over, I will paint them and use them in the house.

The vase on the right was $2 and had a Home Sense sticker on the bottom still for $7. I guess whoever gave it away bought it there for $5 more than I did. Thanks friend!

When it comes to bargain shopping there are a few things to keep in mind.
-Go in with an open mind. Meaning don't go looking for one thing in particular because you will come out empty handed.
-Remember you wont find something that knocks your socks off every time. Its bargain shopping, you wont always find a bargain that you like.
-I usually buy things I can wash because you never know where it came from... just sayin'
-Keep in mind that things can a-l-w-a-y-s be spray painted or painted. Changing the whole look.

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