Saturday, November 5, 2011

Back at it

So its been two months. We had a baby. we lost sleep, track of days, energy, ourselves....
The beginning is hard but I want to get back into this blog and to do so I must challenge myself.

I was inspired by the movie 'Julie & Julia' and 'The pinterest challenge' done by two blogs I follow...

I am challenging myself because lets face it, I dont get a full night sleep and during the day I am feeding what feels like all day, changing dirty diapers and rocking my baby... So without a challenge I would neglect this blog for even longer then I already have.

I would like you to link/paste something DIY to me and I will give myself a week to complete it. I would recommend using because its the best! I am so addicted I have to pry myself away from it. It has a ton of stuff you can choose from. Until you all start flooding my email or blog comments with ideas (please do) I will choose this weeks myself.

Challange 1:

Let the games begin...challenge me!


Kristen said...

I would like to challenge you to make this for me.
Love Kristen

krystle said...

I have 2 challenges for you

2. come up with a design for my toy room

Kampen said...

Kristen - I am working on one for you at the same time as mine. Almost done.
Krystle - Love the table and I will do it. As per your playroom, sure, I can come over one day and throw out ideas.

Meg Goodyear said...

Elysha, I LOVE the project in the post below. I have been wanting to make my own sparkly glam version but I am not very artistic when it comes to drawing! . . . Would love to see what you come up with and buy it off you at the end! :D

Meg xo

Meg Goodyear said...

I also love this one. . .
