Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Peak at basement progress

I am so excited that we have progress in the basement. The future TV room and office is coming along and I thought I would share the progress.

When we viewed the house, the basement was like this.

We tore off the wood paneling to find wood wallpaper.

Tore out all the walls, put in sub floor, put in new studs (the old studs were 1X2 or 2X2- thats wrong if you don't know studs, we put in 2X4 studs *thumbs up*)

Brandon & Paul creating the Media wall

Drywall & Mud


Mason helped and got a little dusty

He wanted to help paint but we wouldn't let him

Took me 1hour folks! I painted while Brandon kept Mason busy upstairs. Just some edging left to do.

Curtains against wall to give you an idea where I got the paint colour from

The lights were off, sorry.

Media wall. Where the TV and such will go.

Oh and I thought I would share Masons new angry face.

Friday, October 19, 2012


You are about to look at a lot of pictures. Well if you are interested in railings. We have had a small railing for our lower set of stairs for about 2-3 years. We haven't put it up yet because the studs in the wall are in bad spots to put brackets. So I set out to home depot and found these toggles. Not just an regular toggle, this toggle installs a tad different and 1 holds up to 238lbs! Hello! there would have to be some major handrail sliding or leaning to get through that. Brandon was skeptical as usual, so while he was working, I just did it. Like Nike.

Here are my steps.
Find out where you want handrail, mark nail holes in bracket

each kit comes with 2, that means it holds 478lbs! I used two in each bracket.

Drill 2 holes for the toggle

following instructions on the pkg, I inserted the toggles

see the little tab on each toggle? you are to slide tight against the wall. Left one is done.

snap off extra end pieces

Done with the toggles

screw in the bracket with the screws provided with the toggler kit

since I used 2 toggle screws, I used the black screw provided with the bracket for the last hole.

Done both brackets

Another piece to the bracket to attach the railing

This was a HARD step when you only have two hands, but I screwed in the bracket pieces to the handrail.

Issue with the toggle screws... they are silver, bracket is black...

So I coloured it with a sharpie marker



Monday, October 15, 2012

Bread Box

I made a very cheap temporary bread box.

As you can see, it's not a pretty sight to see the bread and bananas on the shelf in our kitchen. Most people don't dare to have open shelves because they need to be neat all the time and shall I mention, dusted?
Well we have one shelf and I want to do my best to keep it organized.

Here is how I cleaned things up.
Large Costco ritz box & craft paper.

Using my handy stencils, traced out the words "BREAD BOX"

Painted in the letters

wrapped the box like a present and used mod podge to hold everything in place

Much better. Eventually an old crate or wire basket would be nice but this works for now.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I was given a planter box from a friend, a talented friend (they made it). It is just a simple box with ferns.
I put it on my coffee table and it was too matchy match for my liking so I painted it.
Here is the process.
Homemade box. 5small ferns.

I used my stencils to write the word GARDEN

Picked out my colours (paint is from Dollarama, so cheap)
Following Kristen's(shiftingtreasure) steps, I painted the letters white first

Then I painted over the letters with red. For some reason I missed a picture step, I also painted the box blue as you can see. *hello baby belly*

Once the box was painted and the letters were painted twice. I roughed it up with sandpaper

All done! my little indoor garden.

Do you have a box, a picture frame or even a scrap piece of wood? You can do this too!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Big News

I haven't done much lately here in blog world.
I will blame that for the many days hugging the toilet and laying on the couch.
Brandon read this a couple months ago...

Just in case that doesn't make sense to you...