This is at 4am, Ryder woke me up to go outside. This was our first snow fall and there is a lot of it!
I was sitting on the couch last night pondering on what to write to whomever is listening. I couldnt think of anything. I started writing about how on the weekend we did alot around the house. Its the same old stuff though, I think you are bored of it. We were painting because the painting never ends.
While doing a million things at once on Saturday I finally voiced my concern on a bulkhead in our kitchen. When we renovated the kitchen I didn't want cabinets on that side because we have two huge windows that I didn't want to close in. Well the bulkhead was left there where the old cupboards were and it didn't look right.

Someone (Brandon) didn't notice it and didn't think it looked bad. I reassured him it looks horrible with the new layout and it will make a huge difference in the end. Being the person he is, he couldn't imagine the outcome but he believed in my vision and started knocking it down. He got the right side down and onto the left... EW gross I ran out of the kitchen and Brandon said "I don't want to do this anymore, I'm scared" haha there was a nest of many things, mainly 50-100 eaten pine cones. If you know what animal likes their home made of pine cones, please don't tell us, we don't want to know what was up there. We both assume this was before the roof was done because animals could get in before. *shivers*
This story is long but look at the transformation!
Did you notice I took the curtains off the window?
Tonight we painted the family room -much better then the pink :)
While the first coat was drying on that, we made a long shelf to display pictures on. It will be hung in the family room when its all back in order after painting. Our $6 home-made shelf beats a $100 shelf any day :)
We also had a surprise party for Paul on Friday night...
He had no idea. Good job Kry!
Presents are slowing accumulating under our tree :)