Not to good at this thing called blogging! my last post was weeks ago. Life is busy! I know everyone says thats but really life was extra busy lately. Here is an update on life since I don't have an update on furniture because I am not done, not even 1 piece!
Well we left off at the last weekend of summer before kids started school, long weekend at that and it was great. Between then and now I have planned a 50th, become an Aunt and... I promise there was more but my mind just went blank.

Congratulations P&K on having a baby girl. Mackenzie, my niece! she is very cute! I am glad both mommy and baby are home and healthy. I am also glad they live close because I can visit alot. Like tonight, was out shopping when I came across some little pink clothing. Its not like I went down those aisles on purpose! HA I got a few things and went by to give them to the little cutie. Did I mention she was cute! Lets show her off a bit...
Enough with my excuses of why I havent posted or finished any furniture. I am focused and ready to work on some furniture. Stay tuned...